Journal Metrics (2023)
Impact Factor: 0.8 (2023)
5 years Impact Factor: 0.9
JCR Quartile: Q3
JIF Rank: 108/167 (Veterinary Sciences)
SJR (2022): 0.27
SNIP (2021): 0.51
Referees and Manuscript review
Journal style and layout
Complementary instructions
Type of articles
Manuscripts should be submitted via the online platform and must include:
Manuscripts should fulfill the editorial requirements in order to continue the review process.
Referees of AJVS will aid the Editorial Committee to determine whether the manuscript fulfills publication requirements. All articles submitted for publication will be assessed by two independent referees. The referees will be selected by the Editorial Committee, and may (but not necessarily) include those suggested by the author. In case of a disagreement between the referee’s reports, a third referee will aid the Editorial Committee to reach a decision. Referees are obliged to keep all information from the articles confidential, including unpublished information. Authors should state any potential conflicts of interest at the time of submission of the manuscript. Such information will not alter established editorial and review policies but will assist the editorial staff in avoiding any potential conflicts that could give the appearance of a biased review. The final decision regarding acceptance of the manuscript will be taken when the Editorial Committee accepts the manuscript following correction according to the referees’ comments and their own. Accepted articles must pay a publication fee prior to publication via Web-Pay.
General presentation: Manuscripts must be written using 12 point Times New Roman font with one and a half-line spacing, on one side only of letter paper (21.5 x 27.9 cm) using 2 cm margins on all sides. Pages must be numbered consecutively in the top right corner, and lines must be numbered on the left, continuously. Headings must be in upper case, left-justified on a separate line with no full stop following, e.g. MATERIAL AND METHODS. Only the first letter of sub-headings is capitalised. Primary sub-headings (e.g. Experimental design) should be left-justified; secondary sub-headings are left-justified and italicised. Do not use underlining and do not number sub-headings or itemised lists. In the text, numbers must be written in numerals. When a sentence begins with a number or when necessary for clarity, this should be written in words. A decimal point must be preceded by a number (e.g. 0.5 not .5). All measurements must be reported in SI units ( unless it is normal practice in a discipline to use derivatives (e.g. the Curie international unit). Dates must be formatted as 07 September, 2021 in the text, but they may be abbreviated in tables and figures. Use the 24-hour clock for times of day (e. g. 13:00 h). Chemical nomenclature must be expressed using the Biochemical Society Standards (Biochem J 209, 1-27, 1983), generic names (in lower caps) must be used for medications. If brands and sources of medications need to be included, this should be included as a foot-note. Enzymes must be identified at first mention, in accordance with the Enzyme Commission of the International Union of Biochemistry. Latin terminology and abbreviations commonly used in scientific literature, such as in vitro, in vivo, ad libitum must be italicised. Scientific names of animal species should be mentioned once in the text, complete and in brackets, subsequently only the common or abbreviated (when possible) name should be used. Probability values must be presented as P<0.05 or P<0.01. Standard deviation, standard error of the mean and confidence intervals are abbreviated as follows: SD, SEM and CI, respectively.
Title: Title must be short, specific and informative. The title is centred in bold without using trade names or abbreviations. Only the first letter is capitalised. Scientific names of animal species must be mentioned in the title, in brackets, only in the case of non-domestic species.
Author’s names and addresses: Author’s names are written underneath the title, separated by a space. Use full name and separate authors by commas, as in the example: Christopher A. Westwood, Edward G. Bramley, Ian J. Lean. Superscript letters should be used after each author’s name to identify affiliation as follows: Laboratory, Institute, Department, Organization, City, and Country. The corresponding author is indicated using the superscript letter followed by an asterisk, with email addresses indicated in the footnote.
Footnotes: These are used to indicate a web page address (URL) and to define abbreviations used in table titles, commercial brands, the name and address of companies. They must be indicated with numbers.
Abstract: The second page must contain an abstract of no more than 300 words that render the general significance and conceptual advance of the work clearly accessible to a broad readership. The abstract should describe the objectives of the study or research, the material and methods used, the principal results, and the most important conclusions. Non-standard abbreviations must not be used.
Key words: All article types require a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 8 keywords. They should be indicated below the Abstract. The use of key words containing more than two words (a phrase) and/or words contained in the title should be avoided.
Introduction: The subheading “Introduction” is written on the next page following the Abstract. In the following line, the context of the study is briefly presented with no subheadings. The hypothesis and objectives of the study must be clearly and concisely presented.
Material and Methods: This section may be divided by subheadings and should contain sufficient detail so that when read in conjunction with cited references, allow others to repeat the procedures. When the first reference in the text is made to medications or chemicals, the generic name, dose and route of administration should be indicated. For specialised equipment, the brand, model and manufacturer’s name must be indicated. Studies involving animals or humans must mention the appropriate Bioethical Committee Certification.
Results: This section may be divided by subheadings and should contain a concise and logical description of the results obtained without discussion or reference to other work. The results can be supported by tables and/or figures that present the pertinent data. Data presented in tables and figures should not be repeated in the text. In the case of Original research articles only, this section and the Discussion are separated.
Discussion: This section may be divided by subheadings and should cover the key findings of the study, evaluate and interpret the results and relate these to other relevant results. The results should not be repeated, and new results must not be presented in this section. Care should be taken to ensure that the discussion is developed in a logical and concise manner, discussing the potential shortcomings and limitations on their interpretations. Conclusions that are not directly supported by the data of the study or other unpublished studies should not be presented.
Competing Interests Statement: All financial and non-financial competing interests must be declared in this section. If authors do not have any competing interests, please state "The authors declare that they have no competing interests" in this section.
Ethics Statement: Studies involving animals must include a statement on ethics approval and for experimental studies involving animals, authors must also include a statement on informed consent from the client or owner. Any questionnaire associated to human studies, must also include appropriate permissions. For further details authors must visit AJVS Editorial Policies - Ethical oversight.
Author Contributions: The individual contributions of authors to the manuscript should be specified in this section. Please use initials to refer to each author's contribution in this section.
Funding: All sources of funding for the research reported should be declared. The role of the funding body in the design of the study and collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and in writing the manuscript should be declared.
Acknowledgements: This section should be brief, including people or institutions that have made a direct contribution, provided necessary material or have provided the facilities for the study’s development.
AJVS follows APA style described in the 7th edition APA Publication Manual. The following two templates can be used with the most common reference managers: Mendeley and EndNote. Examples:
Journal article:
Bumunang, E. W., McAllister, T. A., Zaheer, R., Polo, R. O., Stanford, K., King, R., Niu, Y. D., & Ateba, C. N. (2019). Characterization of non-O157 Escherichia coli from cattle faecal samples in the North-West Province of South Africa. Microorganisms, 7(8), 272.
Mayr, E. (1988). Toward a new philosophy of biology: Observations of an evolutionist. Harvard University Press.
Chapter in an edited book:
Gyles, J. M., & Fairbrother, F .C. L. (2010). Escherichia coli. In C. L. Gyles, J.F. Prescott, J. G. Songer, & C. O. Thoen, (Eds.), Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infections in Animals (pp. 276-308). Wiley-Blackwell.
Congresses and Proceedings:
Gallardo, R. A., Da Silva, A. P., Mendoza-Reilley A., Alvarado I., & Giroux, C. (2-5 August 2019). False layer syndrome caused by IBV, genetic characterization and pathobiology insights. American Association of Avian Pathologists Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA.
Gómez, M., Rojas, M., Mieres, M., Moroni, M. & Muñoz, P. (2011). Clinical, clinicopathological and pathological findings in 7 domestic cats with paraparesis/plegia produced by nematodes in southern Chile. Proceedings 24th Symposium ESVN-ECVN, Germany.
Rattan, R. S. (2010). Mechanism of action of insecticidal secondary metabolites of plant origin.
In-text citations:
Parenthetical citations: (Jackson, 2019; Smith et al., 2020; Sapolsky & Jones, 2020)
Narrative citations: Jackson (2019), Smith et al. (2020), Sapolsky and Jones (2020)
Tables: Tables should be presented at the end of the manuscript, after the “References” section. Please provide one table per page. The table caption should appear above the table and should be brief and self-explanatory and should be understandable without reference to the text. Tables must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers in the order in which they are referred to in the text. Each column must have a short or abbreviated heading. Use horizontal lines for column headings only. Further information such as abbreviations, superscripts, and units should appear at the foot of the table. Significant differences between values must be indicated as superscripts using letters in lower case starting with letter a. Use up to 3 decimals. Indicate a zero value as 0.
Figures: Figures should be presented at the end of the manuscript, after the Tables, with their respective titles at the bottom and numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals in the order they are referred to in the text, e.g. Figure 1, not Fig. 1. Figures should also be submitted on separate files (one per file). Figures must be vertically oriented and be accompanied by a short descriptive caption that contains an explanation for all markers, lines and symbols used but no abbreviations. If the figure contains sections, these should be labelled as a, b, c, etc. in the top right corner and must be described in the caption. The authorship of non-original figures must be acknowledged, and when appropriate, authorization to reproduce these figures must be provided.
Changes to Authorship: Authors are expected to consider carefully the list and order of authors before submitting their manuscript and provide the definitive list of authors at the time of the original submission. Any addition, deletion or rearrangement of author names in the authorship list should be made only before the manuscript has been accepted and previous approvement by the journal Editor. Requests of authorship changes please submit a letter to the Editor contain gin the following information: (a) the reason for the change in author list and (b) written confirmation (e-mail, letter) from all authors that they agree with the addition, removal or rearrangement. In the case of addition or removal of authors, this includes confirmation from the author being added or removed. no further changes are possible after manuscript has been accepted.
Supplementary material
Supplementary files: Supplementary material such as applications, images and sound clips, can be published with your article to enhance it. Submitted supplementary items are published exactly as they are received (Excel or PowerPoint files will appear as such online). Please submit your material together with the article and supply a concise, descriptive caption for each supplementary file. If you wish to make changes to supplementary material during any stage of the process, please make sure to provide an updated file. Do not annotate any corrections on a previous version. Please switch off the 'Track Changes' option in Microsoft Office files as these will appear in the published version.
Proofs: A proof will be sent to the corresponding author for proofreading in PDF format, and must be returned within the specified time, otherwise the Editor reserves the right to carefully proof-read the article but without assuming responsibility for errors, to continue with the publication process. Alterations to the proof that do not correspond to minor errors will be charged to the authors. Neither the Editor nor the Publisher accept any responsibility for errors that had not been indicated by the authors.
Reviews provide expert summaries of current knowledge in a particular field of veterinary science and do not necessarily have a set format. Articles should provide comprehensive depth and a balanced perspective, avoiding merely summarize the literature. A review should focus on fundamental concepts or issues, current research gaps, potential development of the field, controversies. The Editorial Committee asks for an expert to prepare a review on specific topics, which will also be refereed and edited. Articles are peer-reviewed and must not exceed 15,000 words in length and may contain no more than 4 figures/tables.
Make a new submission to the Review article section.
Report new and unpublished advances in veterinary science based on original research. Research Articles may also encompass confirming studies and disconfirming results which allow hypothesis elimination, reformulation and/or report on the non-reproducibility of previously published results. The format must include Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Declarations, and References. The articles have a maximum word count (including Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, and Discussion) of 12,000 words, and may contain no more than 10 figures/tables.
Make a new submission to the Original article section.
Short Communications briefly inform of an advance, experimental result, new methodology, with the following format: abstract, introduction, material and methods, results and discussion (combined). Short communications also encourage submission of negative results and may report on the non-reproducibility of previously published results. Short communications articles are peer-reviewed, have maximum length of the manuscript (including Abstract, Introduction, Materials and methods, Results and Discussion, Declarations and References) is 4,000 words and may contain no more than 2 figures and/or tables. Supplementary material may be included.
Make a new submission to the Short communication section.
Case report: is a brief note that describes preliminary findings and contributes significantly to the understanding of the Veterinary Science. The maximum length is 1,300 words which includes the main body of the text and cites. An abstract of 50 words is required, plus 15 references and two tables or figures, or one of each. Acknowledgements can be included (when pertinent). Subtitles must not be used to divide the main body of the text.
Make a new submission to the Case report section.
A letter judged suitable for publication will be printed in a “Letters to the Editor” section of AJVS. The purpose of this section is to provide a forum for scientific exchange relating to articles published in AJVS. To be acceptable for publication, a letter must adhere to the following guidelines.
Make a new submission to the Letters to the Editor section.
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This journal is published by the Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Austral de Chile